Welcome to the Bristol NorthWest Skittles League - celebrating our 80th anniversary 1944 - 2024
About Us
You can find us on the Northern side of Bristol where most of our games take place. The league itself has two divisions of Front Pin First & two divisions of All In skittles.
All games are played in a Pub or Social Club & normally commence around 8pm for a duration of approximately 2 hrs max. The playing format is 10 a side (10 v 10).
The season itself runs between late September thru late April & will include Cup competitions along the way.
July of each year normally sees the League Presentation night when Cups, Trophy’s & monetary prizes are awarded for team & player achievements.
Any teams looking for skittle pins & balls - checkout skittlepinsand balls.co.uk. The league can also put you in touch with someone if you are looking for a set of refurbished skittle balls. Please contact the league fixture secretary for more infomation
League committee & General Information
Please be reminded that all Cups are the property of the league & must be returned by the end of Feb 2025 latest. This allows the league to prepare them in time for the Presentation Night "TBC". Please contact the league fixture secretary on bnwsecretary93@gmail.com for further info about returns.

Team Registration for the 2024/25
season will be £60.00
Payable by the 1st October 2024.
Rule 17e - Player Transfer - £1.00
Player transfers between affiliated teams are permitted up to & including the last day of February.
Team Registration
Annual AGM
Non attendance/representation
will incur a fine of £25
Late payment of Team Registration
will incur a fine of £10.00.
Home teams - completed & signed
scoresheets must be in the hands of
the league fixture secretary
within 48 hrs
Failure to comply will incur a fine
of £10.00.
Further offences by the same team will
incur a points deduction of 2pts from
their current league position.
Cancelled games
valid reasons for cancelling a game
a) Bank Holiday`s
b) Double booking of the alley
c) Serious inclement weather
Please contact a committee member if
you intend cancelling a game for any
other reason.
Note - the Home team must inform the
league fixture secretary immediately if
a game is cancelled. They must also
inform the opposition within
72 hours latest.
League - Each Division
1st - £150
2nd - £105
3rd - £35
Champions of Champions
Winners - £29
Runners Up - £15
Highest Away Average - Trophy Value - £10
Highest Away Score - Trophy Value - £7